Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Creating default value in a dynamic date range prompt

One of the most requested features in Web Intelligence reports is to have a default value in a time range prompt that will enable to chose time frames such as current day, last day and ctr.

In the following example I will demonstrate how to implement such logic in a very simple way

I am using:

  •     BI4 SP6
  •     Oracle 11
  •     A Custom Universe containing a time view table
  •     Information design tool

  1. First we will create s special super prompt condition object that will enable us to choose date range ,current month or last month :

This script uses a case when phrase that allows choosing several time ranges.

For example ‘this month’ will return the function: TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM') which will result us the current month data

Here is the full syntax:

"GenericDateTable".GENERICCURRENTDATE  between
Case WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)='last month' then trunc(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-2)) + 1
WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)='this month' then  TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM')
Else To_Date(@Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent),'DD/MM/YYYY')
Case  when @Prompt('To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent) = 'last month' THEN  trunc(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-1))
WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent)='this month' then ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM'),+1)
Else To_DATE(@Prompt('To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,Mono,Free,Not_Persistent),'DD/MM/YYYY')

2. Now we will first test our prompt to varify that it is working currectly :

This month data  :

Last month data  :

Date range :

 3.Now we will add a sinple parameter to the prompt syntac which will allow us to use a default value 
that corresponed to our prompt ,lets use the value ‘last month’,the last parameter in the prompt is the one that holds the default value and as you can see when we open the report the default value is already there :

"GenericDateTable".GENERICCURRENTDATE  between
Case WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'})='last month' then trunc(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-2)) + 1
WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'})='this month' then  TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM')
Else To_Date(@Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'}),'DD/MM/YYYY')
Case  when @Prompt('To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'}) = 'last month' THEN  trunc(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-1))
WHEN  @Prompt('From Date(dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'})='this month' then ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'MM'),+1)
Else To_DATE(@Prompt('To Date (dd/mm/yyyy)','A',,mono,free,Not_Persistent,{'last month'}),'DD/MM/YYYY')

Now when we will run the report we will see the default value:

And that’s it….


Implementing default dynamic time range is simple but can be also used to reports that are required to run daily using date range but also required to be scheduled on last month, by implementing such prompt we will reduce the number of versions of the same report: one version for daily running and the other version for scheduling…